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Principal April Smith Nailor

Principal April Smith, Ed.S


Phone: 662-843-4528

A Message from Principal Smith

     It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year!  As I am excited to be entering my second year as the principal of H.M. Nailor Elementary School in the Cleveland School District. It is an honor to serve as the leader of this great school. One of my main priorities is to establish a positive and safe culture. We will maintain a safe learning environment, to ensure that students receive high quality instruction daily, and to provide professional development opportunities for teachers in areas needing improvement. As educators, it is our responsibility to address gaps in students' learning, support challenges that are beyond their control, and motivate them to aspire to greatness. My belief is for all students to have a high-quality education that effectively meets their emotional and academic needs. 

     My goal for this school year is for every educator at H.M. Nailor to meet students where they are academically and teach them accordingly. I am eager to work with such an awesome staff as we work together to mold life-long learning through collaboration, differentiation, and high expectations and to develop well-rounded responsible students who aspire to fulfill their full potential academically and socially and become independent life-long learners.

     I believe in building strong, positive school-home relationships. I look forward to learning with you and from you this school year. We will review data and make necessary changes to enhance the daily teaching and learning process.  I intend to build a strong collaboration amongst all instructional staff, students, parents, and community members. 

     As we embark upon a new school year, I believe that we can and will enhance our instructional practices thus improving student achievement.  We are committed to providing innovative instruction to our students while incorporating technology to meet the needs of all learners. 

     I welcome you to an exciting new year at H.M. Nailor Elementary School.  I look forward to strengthening our campus and community partnerships to ensure every student has access to quality instruction and experiences every day, to achieve our goals in developing proficient learners, increasing student achievement, and building a safe, healthy school community.


April M. Smith